This story is fraught with drama and intrigue - why did the bus stop? (Clutch broke. No big deal.) What is in the sac next to the g-nuts (peanuts)? (That would be ants. Mmm... tasty. Apparently not great raw but yummy in stews.) Oh my... what was that sound? (Two live chickens. Yes, on the bus. Apparently being upside down keeps them reasonably calm.)
It has all the makings of an epic tale: Comedy - dozing off leads to jumping out of your skin when you hear SQUAWK and oh look, the mzungu is making faces at the baby.
We finally arrived in Gulu and saw the JYRO wheelchair workshop. They are the only major wheelchair manufacturer in Northern Uganda and seem to have a good workshop. They are able to make pieces ahead of time which means that in five days, they can make 1, 2, or 20 wheelchairs. Not half bad.
Here are a few pictures from their production line.
And here is Zulfa (Fatuma's daughter) in our hotel room in Gulu. Pretty sweet, right?
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